Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Definition of Love

Love is not a relation …. LOVE RELATES!!

Love is like a chemical reaction in the brain …. Chain of reactions … resulting in N number of feelings … likeness, lust, desire, passion, attraction, falling and giving up … comes to everyone in just different phases … n uncertain order.

It’s the dedication and commitment that makes love last forever. The dedication and commitment has to come in package with freedom. Freedom for the other half. Commitment for self. When it happens on both the end it’s a heavenly union.

Jealousy and possessiveness are the opposite of love. They are bondage, obsession. Insecurity in not related to LOVE… insecurity exists where there is no love. Jealousy and possessiveness shout a loud, that we are insecure, uncertain, and doubtful.

Love is a creative and constructive emotion and jealousy and possessiveness and negative. Can the two be ever related???

Many mythologies come across calling LOVE a GOD. Love is so pure. Love is so divine. Love is a feeling some oneness. Love is a feeling of being complete. Love is universe. Love has only one direction … OUTWARD!!

Love flows from with, flows out. You can never get enough of love. Love is not receivable. You give love. You get it. The more you give the more you get. The question how? I said love has only one direction. So very true. You give love… give all that you have. The space to receive is created. You don’t take love it flows into you. How?? It flows in the other end. So well is it said over and over again … and I repeat…. THE MORE YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU GET.

Love is PEACE!!
Don’t tie love into a knot, a knot of relation. Don’t try and conquer love by possession or jealousy. Love and let the love be. Let the love be free. Love with all the freedom, for the other. Give love. Give more love. Once you are all filled with love inside out you will be at peace.

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